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By Way of Introduction

What are you afraid of? Sleeping on the city streets? Being robbed at gunpoint? Having no money in a city you’ve never been to? Getting booed off stage? What are you afraid of?

Me, I’m afraid of the unlived life. I’m afraid of your desk job. I’m afraid of a school system that rewards stupidity. I’m afraid that right and wrong are hard to differentiate. I’m afraid that truth is denied because it would break the illusions that people call their reality. I’m afraid that I can’t play by the rules that I was born into. I’m afraid that I don’t like the game at all.

I’m afraid that I’m an artist. Every story herein is as true as true gets. Though for the benefit of others some names may be changed here and there. Welcome to How Not To Be An Artist. I’m your host James Mollenkamp.

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Stories from a nomadic performing artist.


Nomadic Performing Artist: spreading the truth, one lie at a time.